Welcome to the Shelby County Alabama eBid Portal Frequently Asked Questions. This document is provided to assist you with using the electronic bid process. Below is a list of questions and answers.

In order to receive bid notifications:
  1. Register a new account
  2. After confirming your account through email, create a Bidder Profile
  3. Then select NIGP Codes to receive notifications for related bids

  • On the top menu, click on your username next to the Logout link to manage your account.
  • Then on the left menu click Password.
  • On the Change Password page, enter your current password and then enter the new password.
    Passwords must be:
    • At least 8 characters long
    • At least one non-alphanumeric character
    • At least one numeric character
    • At least one upper case letter
    • At least one lower case letter

If you cannot remember your login password:
  • Click Login in the top menu
  • On the Log In page, click Forgot your password?
  • On the Forgot Your Password page, enter your account email (same as username) and click Submit
  • You will receive an email with the subject "Shelby County Alabama Ebid Portal - Reset Password". Click on the link and enter a new password on the Reset Password page.

  • Click on your username on the right side of the top menu bar while logged in
  • On the Manage Your Account page, click Bidder Profile in the menu on the left
  • On the Bidder Profile page, click Edit Profile to edit your information or click Edit Codes at the bottom of the page to edit the bid categories you wish to be alerted about

YES! This is an integral part of the application process. The eBid process must know what NIGP Codes you are interested in to be able to send out the correct bid packages.

If you do not see any NIGP Codes listed for the areas that you would like to receive bid packages, please contact the eBid administrator.
Please include the following Subject Line:
Include your name and your phone number. The eBid administrator will return your call as soon as possible.

To find out about pre-bid conferences, please contact the eBid administrator.
Please include the following in the Subject Line:

Please verify that the profile application was submitted successfully. You should have received a message stating that the application has been successfully submitted. If you did not receive this message or you still did not receive your email, please contact the eBid administrator.
Please include the following in the Subject Line:
Include your name and your phone number. The eBid administrator will return your call as soon as possible.

Please ensure that you have completed your application profile by completing the application and updating your category and subcategory. If the profile has been successfully completed, please contact the eBid administrator.
Please include the following in the Subject Line:
Remember to include your name, phone number and mailing address in the body of the note.

To set your company up as a vendor with Shelby County, we will need the following:
  • A copy of your company’s W-9
  • An email stating you have no employees in the State of Alabama or if you do have employees in Alabama, please provide the entire Memorandum of Understanding from E-Verify.

Tax ID numbers on both the W-9 and the E-Verify document must match.

If your company is not enrolled in E-Verify, you can complete the enrollment process at www.E-Verify.gov. You will need your tax id number to enroll.

Once enrolled, the system will generate a Memorandum of Understanding document.

Support Contacts

Bid Support
Mary Horton
(205) 670-6509
Website Support
Clinton Dailey
(205) 670-6961
Message Us